What Did the Moors Do to Raymond Lulle in 1315

Technology and typical elements of French Antilles rums

by Louis Fahrasmane, Berthe Ganou-Parfait, Francius Bazile, Paul Bourgeois

Rum engineering science and typicality factors in the French West Indies L. Fahrasmane, B. Ganou-Parfait, F. Bazile, P. Bourgeois

Rum has been produced in the French West Indies since the 17th century. The changes in production since then have been influenced by technical, economical and qualitative factors. Rum must not only have its typical organoleptic qualities only also be competitive on the international market, and this requires technological progress. Through yeast-strain selection, we have contributed towards improving alcoholic fermentation in Pikestaff-sugar-based media. Rum product in the French West Indies is typified by the raw materials (molasses, cane syrup or juice), the microbiology of the fermentation media assuasive bacterial activity, and the distilllation equipment with its so-called a Creole columns ) producing a range of effluvious strengths. Until the end of the 19th century, slops and froth were used in making the musts. Following Pasteur's work, a new agreement of hygiene led to these substances being replaced by Water, with the outcome that Saccharomyces yeasts replaced the Schizo saccharomyces equally alcoholic fermentation agents. Distillation equipment has likewise progressed. That used today depends on the type of rum produced (effigy 1).

A rum technology involves several unit of measurement operations (1): the preparation of the must (more singularly chosen "composition"), fermentation, distillation and maturation. In the 17th century, the command of alcoholic distillation equally a production tool became a central factor in the emergence of rum product, which appeared as a style of using the past-products of the sugar factory, especially those derived from sugar byproducts.

In the middle of the nineteenth century, came the agricultural rum, whose particularity is the utilise of musts based on sugar pikestaff juice. This blazon of rum became, in the French West Indies, an export product, a production in its own right, distinct from the sugar manufactory, keeping, in some aspects, an artisanal character and having markers of recognition of its typicality related to the practices and production conditions.

In Europe rum has been defined since 1989 past the Community Regulation on spirit drinks (R. (EEC) No 1 576/89): It is the spirit potable obtained exclusively by alcoholic fermentation and distillation either molasses or syrups derived from the manufacture of cane sugar, i.e. sugar cane juice itself, and distilled at less than 96% vol, so that the product of the distillation has a perceptible specific organoleptic characters of rum. The minimum acquired alcoholic strength by book is stock-still at 37,5% (vol.).

The French national regulation (Decree of 22 Apr 1988 on Appellation of Origin rums) distinguishes "agricultural rum" from cane juice, "traditional rum" from molasses and syrup, and "rum grand arôme" which is a variant of traditional rum, more loaded with aromatic substances (Table ane). "Light rum", in one case divers past national regulations, is no longer and so today [2]. Distillates of different types can exist delivered for consumption either in the form of untouched eau-de-vie or later on ripening and dilution to the commercial level. They can also be matured longer or aged in wooden casks with a maximum capacity of 650 liters and for at least three years (Prescript of 25 July 1963). Volatile elements other than ethanol must be at least 225 grams per hectolitre of pure alcohol.

Origins of rum product

The fine art of distillation dates dorsum more than three chiliad years, and it is thought that the Persians had discovered and implemented it to brand rose h2o. The starting time stills were designed by Christians of Arab republic of egypt, in 700 B.C.

The advent of eaux-de-vie seems to have been preceded past that of alcoholic perfume, which began with the doctor, philosopher and Arab alchemist, Rhases (864: 932). Around 1360, Hungarian water made from rosemary appeared. Perfumery adult later with Jean-Marie Farina (1685-1766), an Italian pharmacist who made the eau de Cologne created by his uncle Jean-Paul Feminis in 1690.

Wine brandy appeared in Europe, equally medicine and the elixir of life, with Arnaud de Villeneuve (1235-1313) and Raymond de Lulle (1233-1315). Nether the influence of the navies of Northern Europe (in particular Dutch), the distillation of white wines of the Charente became a common rural activeness, leading to the development and marketing of Cognac and Armagnac in 1630 In 1624, the Corporation of Distillers was organized in France for the manufacture and auction of brandies. From the 18th century, the distillation of wine became a prosperous action in France.

The appearance of rum product followed the evolution of cane-based sugar production (Saccharum officinarum L.) with natural hybrids on the American continent in the 17th century. The migration of carbohydrate product from the Mediterranean area to the New World is linked to the capture of Constantinople past the Turks in 1453 and the expulsion of the Moors from Espana in 1492. There was a refuse in the cultural influence of Arab origin and, with it, to that of cane, afterward about 7 centuries of tillage and saccharide production in the islands and around the Mediterranean Sea [3, 4].

Holders of Genoese and Venetian majuscule, in search of new areas suitable for growing sugar pikestaff, followed Christopher Columbus to the Americas. The expansion of carbohydrate pikestaff on the American continent triggered rum product as an annex to the sugar factory.

One of the first authors to talk about cane alcohol is the Begetter du Tertre who stayed in the Caribbean between 1640 and 1657. Father Labat, who arrived in the West Indies in 1694, describes at length the manufacture of the guildive in his New Journey to the Islands of America [championship translated], The main characteristics of the rum production of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries are:

– the utilise of byproducts, scums and molasses, resulting from crystallizing sugars (foams and deposits produced during the defecation of cane juice in saccharide and syrupy residues of non-crystallizable sugar from the industry of saccharide) as sources of fermentable sugar. The composition of musts at the offset of the last century is shown in Tabular array 2 [5];

– the spontaneous alcoholic fermentation due to the microbial germs having withstood the various operations of candying (concentration, cooked syrups) and those provided by the wooden bins used for fermentation. Fermentation lasted i to 2 weeks in the presence of abundant bacterial flora associated with yeasts of the genus Schizosaccharomyces. This microbial circuitous, of low productivity and generating very tasty products, was favored past the supply of pre-fermented vinasses (residues of distillations) during the storage, which lasted several weeks, and during which acidifying bacterial fermentations took place. The musts thus obtained were acidic, with a high osmotic pressure. Only yeasts of the genus Schizosaccharomyces were active under such conditions of the medium.

The start distillation apparatuses installed were discontinuous stills operating by recycling [my interpretation of what they hateful by "repasse"] (figure 1a). Most of them consisted of a copper banality, surmounted by a head also of copper; the time under estrus of the fermented musts was important, which favored esterification. These devices allowed the elimination of negative volatile compounds of "heads", sulfur and amines, and some of the very heavy compounds constituting the "tails". The quality of the products obtained was often mediocre or frankly bad, considering of the inferior quality of the raw materials used, the little care given to the fermentations, the non-rectification of the distillates which would accept been necessary to eliminate the substances responsible for bad tastes. The best quality rum "is the one made only with molasses; but non the one in whose fermentation one leaves the debris of the saccharide cane, the foam, etc., e'er preserves an unpleasant acid bespeak and often contracts the taste of empyreanism, which causes it to exist rejected from commerce. [half-dozen] " During the eighteenth century, devices were used to obtain a sellable eau-de-vie on the outset pass. [I think the end of this paragraph is translated wrong.]

Rum technology, from the ancestry of the industrial era to today.

Towards the end of the nineteenth century, the pikestaff was selected for a better adaptation of the raw cloth to sugar engineering.Saccharum officinarum carries many factors related to the richness of sucrose, fiber content and stalks vigorous and mechanically resistant.

The showtime artificial hybrid was produced by Fairchild in 1708. In 1880, the rediscovery of pikestaff fertility led to scientific initiatives, with Slotwedel in Java in 1888 and Harrison and Bovell in Barbados. 1889, through intra and inter-specific crossings. The success of cane hybridization in Java, Barbados and Demarara, Guyana, has led to the proliferation of hybrid convenance stations around the world. Mod varieties derived almost exclusively from hybridizations arrived at the commercial stage eight to twelve years later, with selection criteria including agronomic traits, sucrose richness, disease resistance, specific locality characteristics, so on. In 1921, Jeswiet obtained a hybrid clone nicknamed "the marvelous" (POJ 2878), far superior to the natural hybrid noble canes by its resistance to pathogens and its agricultural and industrial yields.

Increasing booze consumption amongst the working classes, economic liberalism, and the phylloxera crises that striking the wine liquors catalyzed, during the nineteenth century, the important development of the rum manufacture. Production, which had remained relatively low until the first of the nineteenth century (an average of 3 to iv million liters per year for Martinique, Guadeloupe and Guyana combined), exceeded 21 one thousand thousand liters in 1892. This increase brought profound changes affecting the construction of the rum industry and manufacturing techniques.

Carbohydrate plants appeared from 1865 and annexed distilleries for the treatment of molasses. Cost and quantity constraints led to the institution, in 1818 in Saint-Pierre in Martinique, in add-on to stills without fe, unmarried columns (Effigy 1b), Creole blazon, to increase productivity. The Creoles columns are used to distill wines, or fermented musts, containing four to 5% (vol.) of ethanol. Commonly, they comprise three to v trays in concentration, which makes it possible to obtain distillates at sixty-70% (vol.) of ethanol. Rum that is distilled too high loses its aromatic qualities. The equipment must have at least fifteen trays so that there is no loss of booze in the vinasse [stillage / dunder]. All the equipment parts (basement, sections and trays) can be fabricated of stainless steel but it is very important that the concentration parts (trays and Goose neck) are made of copper. The oxidative catalysis of copper with respect to sulfur products has been demonstrated. This type of distillation device became widespread in the French Antilles around 1880; it no longer allowed the extraction of heads and tails significantly. Thus, the resulting eau-de-vie reflected the quality of the fermented must, with no possibility of correcting organoleptic defects. Afterward improvements to the apparatus, in particular the optimization of fractionation, multi-column device (FIG. 1c), made it possible to obtain products of a light nature, free from bad tastes, but stripped of volatile esters of interest.

Alongside the sugar plants, distilleries called "agronomical" were developed in the French West Indies and French Guiana, whose products became quite of import from 1883 onwards. Some owners of sometime homes far from the sugar plants, rather than sell them their cannes, encumbered with high transport costs or trying to obtain substandard sugar, plant it more than advantageous to turn their crops into rum by fermenting the juice either directly or afterward concentrating, which gave nascence to agricultural rum.

The post-Pasteurian hygienist wave of the beginning of the century also concerned the rum industry and acquired a stir. The need to replace spontaneous fermentations with pure fermentations [7] was concluded, and in 1913 a detailed report of rum yeasts [8] led to the promotion of pure fermentation with selected yeasts. The concern to improve productivity was decisive for researchers who thought that bacterial flora was detrimental to rum fermentation, whereas chemists attributed to bacteria an important office in the germination of the bouquet of high-flavored rums [ix, 10].

The awarding of pure fermentations led to changes in conduct. First of all, the operating weather of the spontaneous yeasts were reduced by lowering the density of the must and adding Sulfuric acid to lower the pH in order to limit the bacterial activity, and ammonium sulphate to complement the nutrient nitrogen medium. Then, the use of yeasts acclimated to certain antiseptics spread. Yield improvements were obtained, but the effluvious quality of the products was significantly reduced every bit they became more and more neutral. Most of the producers later on gave up the utilise of the selected yeasts and concluded, around 1920, the superiority of mixed spontaneous fermentations which made it possible to obtain rums that were more concentrated, with a more intense and feature bouquet.

The use of scums and vinasse [dunder/stillage] in the limerick of musts was gradually abandoned and replaced by water as a means of dilution. Currently, the vinasse is no longer used, except in the training of musts for the manufacture of rums of the loftier flavor blazon. For nigh 15 years, the new element in rum technology is a supplement of the yeast flora of alcoholic fermentation, by supply of baker's dry yeast, cheap and very bachelor. We selected a strain of yeast for rum (Box I).

[Box 1]
Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. cerevisiae 493 EDV, a rum specific yeast.
The main technical characteristics of this strain are:
– optimal pH = 4.5; | – optimum temperature = 33° C;
– yield of alcoholic fermentation = 0.595 liters of alcohol pure / kg glucose equivalent (1 ap / kg glucose);
– ethanol productivity = 3.0 g / l / h.

This yeast improves the productivity and fermentative yield, compared to spontaneous fermentations and those carried out with supplemental yeast or baker yeast supply and shows, with respect to this, a good occupation of the surround and a amend charge per unit of living cells. Possessing the "Killer" character, it inhibits certain types of yeasts. It keeps a good activity at a temperature of 36° C and does not cause the appearance of bad tastes in the products.

Yields of saccharide-booze processing | usually obtained in distillery are relatively low (0.52 || ap / kg glucose on molasses and 0.47 || ap / kg glucose on cane juice), while the optimum yield is of the order of 0.60 | | ap / kg glucose.

We are working to amend the fermentative efficiency of yeast, by adding sterol extracts and processed defecation mud to the must [11].

Yeasts institute in a higher place all a factor of technical efficiency of the sugar-alcohol transformation while having a part in the synthesis of the components and the precursors of aromas. This is the instance, for example, in the formation of volatile fatty acids, the synthesis of which is modulated, depending on the strain, by the citric acid content of the raw material [12].
Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. cerevisiae 493 EDV, a rum yeast

Elements of typicity

White rums are presented under four types, three of which are divers in French regulations, by their not-booze content (or TNA) and the type of raw material used (table one). If typicity is what characterizes a production and allows usa to recognize it, we must look for elements of the typicality of rums in not-alcohol, or all compounds other than the water and ethanol that institute it. The TNA of the aromatic rums of the French Due west Indies is mostly higher than that of the light rum, the final of the four types, where the bacterial presence and activity are weak or not-existent. This parameter, still, remains lower than that of the rum olfactory property which is an classic where the bacterial activity reaches a high level.

The bacterial flora is at the origin of the production of volatile acidity and precursors of aromatic compounds such as esters. Rums from environments where bacterial activity exceeds acceptable product quality limits take a high volatile acidity (> xv mEg/l) [13] and contain undesirable substances such every bit acrolein [14] and butanol-ii, markers of bacterial problems. The level of formic acid in rums can also be an element of appreciation of possible bacterial problems and, therefore, of quality [fifteen].

The chemistry of the rums reveals propionic acid every bit singularizing the rum within the eaux-de-vie, considering of the relatively high contents observed [xvi]. The level of propionic acid germination is related to fermentation yeast activity, which appears to be specific in cane-derived media [17]. Bacteria inventoried in distillery media contribute to the formation of propionic acid. They are Propionibacterium, Bacillus and Clostridium.

The alkylpyrazines seem to be of interest for the analytical differentiation betwixt white and agronomical white rum. Given the thresholds of perception of these compounds, nosotros call up that they participate in the aroma of some rums with olfactory notes of brulee, caramel and leather [18].

The use of the Creole distillation column, determines the quantitative level of the TNA (it decreases when the caste of alcohol rises) by the low number of trays in concentration (three to 10 ) which, itself, affects the caste of proof of the distillate by limiting information technology (60 to 80% (vol.) of ethanol); regulations allow distilling upwards to 96% (vol.) of ethanol.

Damascenone is nowadays in molasses [19]. Information technology has been shown that an isomer of this compound, at the aforementioned mass spectrum, has a characteristic odor of rum [xx]. This ketone and its presumed isomer, identified in other products of plant origin, could, on the basis of quantitative considerations, be a differentiating cistron of rums within eaux-de-vie.

The production conditions of rums (fermentation microbiology and distillation) too equally the raw fabric thus contribute to the development of their analytical typicity. In that location is a sensory assay work to practise to describe this typicity, by characterizing the components that will have to exist looked later to amend the competitiveness of rums.

Perspectives and determination

In the French West Indies, rum product must, in society to remain competitive, adopt fermentation methods that go out no room for spontaneous fermentations. The aim of producing aromatic rums, whether from molasses or pikestaff juice, is to follow rigorous protocols that have into account the following aspects: use of selected yeasts, control of the bacterial flora, rational selection of distillation parameters, quality direction of raw materials, products and by-products (Box 2).

The reasoned conduct of fermentations by acidification of the musts (in order to contain, inside appropriate limits, the presence and the activity of the bacterial flora), the control of the temperature and the utilise of selected yeasts for the rum production allow an agile fermentation with a reduced latency. This way of operating gives way to a positive bacterial expression with regard to the quality and authenticity of the products.

The potential development of separation techniques – increasing the number of trays (xx to xxx) in the Column Concentration, use of vacuum distillation, pervaporation and contrary osmosis – should permit the selective extraction of certain volatile compounds which, present in too large quantity, mask the expression of the notes of typicity. In this mode, the latter could be amend expressed, despite the decrease in TNA, according to pre-established product profiles in which ethanol becomes more and more a vector of aromas [22,23].

We must, moreover, seek to make the almost of the quality signs (AOC, label …) related to the regulations. Although the rum was originally an annex to the carbohydrate refinery, the same is not truthful of the agricultural distillery in the French W Indies, which is a full-fledged production structure whose qualitative requirements for raw materials could be considered in a specific way, depending on fermentation considerations and the effluvious properties of the products. Indeed, the product of agricultural rum could do good from a raw material ameliorate adapted to its peculiarities than the hybrids used in sucrose production, by choice of varieties richer in non-sugar (nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium …) and in aromatic precursors, in gild to improve come across the nutritional needs of fermentation agents and to reinforce the typicity associated with the raw cloth.


They are addressed to R. Pichy, Chiliad.L. Saint-Marc and C. Galas, from INRA Pointe-à-Pître, whose technical collaboration has been invaluable

[ Box 2]
Wastewater handling and environmental protection in the rum

The rum production generates residues (vinasse) with a loftier pollutant load (250 kg of COD / m * of pure booze in agricultural distillery, 1500 to 1900 kg of COD / mol of pure alcohol in molasses distillery). This sector of activity is more and more likely to integrate, downstream of its work plans, measures for the protection of the surroundings. To treat wastewater from rum, various methods can exist used: evaporation-incineration, irrigation-spreading, anaerobic lagooning, biomass product and anaerobic digestion. The latter way, while reducing the organic pollutant load, produces combustible biogas. It allows, in the example of a molasses rum production unit of measurement, to decontaminate the effluent to 65% with biogas production, providing 60% of the energy necessary for the operation of the distillery. The wastewater treatment of the agricultural distillery, whose COD varies from 15 to 25 one thousand / 50 with a BOD / COD ratio of 0.5, is easier than that of the waters of the molasses distillery, whose COD varies from ninety at 120 g / 50 with a BOD / COD ratio of 0.2 to 0.4 (21). Indeed, purification rates of the organic load of more than 90% are obtained.

Treatment of wastewater and environmental protection


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Source: https://www.bostonapothecary.com/technology-and-typical-elements-of-french-antilles-rums/

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